“Providing Traditional and Cutting Edge Regenerative Solutions”

— Dr. Gloria Tumbaga, MD


It is a revolutionary registered system that allows performing a shocking facial treatment through a safe, fast and efficient method.

How does it work?

The CooLifting gun projects on the facial tissues a powerful CO2 flow, at a very low temperature and a very high pressure, combined with a high concentration of atomized actives.

How many sessions do I need?

CooLifting, in a single 5 minutes session will provide your skin the appearance it had 10 years ago. The interval between future sessions will be personally advised by the specialist.

What will I feel during and after the session?

The procedure is painless. Actives application pressure and temperature are technically controlled and their perception doesn’t entail any discomfort. No special care is required after the session.

The Concept

The CooLifting guns shoots on the facial tissues a powerful CO2 flow at a very low temperature and a high pressure, combined with an extremely high concentration of atomized actives. It is the most spectacular and fast treatment ever seen to challenge passing time.

The Results

The CooLifting treatment generates an immediate effect (lifting) smoo- thing the skin, eliminating superficial wrinkles and reducing deep wrinkles, followed by a lasting rejuvenating effect.

The Application

The combination of the cold CO2 flow at a high pressure and the atomized actives cause:

Paradoxical vessel-motricity:

Vasoconstriction followed by a vasodilatation of the blood micro-circulation. When suffering an intense cold stimulus, the vessels contract and expand.

Cryophoresys and barophoresys:

The combination of cold with the high pressure applied on the dermis causes an intense penetra- tion of the Coolifting actives and an exponential increase of their effects.


The CO2 flow at a very low temperature and at a high pressure activates the blood micro-circula- tion; it induces collagen and elastine formation and increases the tissues’ oxygenating.

Thermal Shock:

Stimulation of the underlying tissues. Those tissues are normally at a temperature of some 36oC (97oF). The CooLifting extreme and sudden cold causes a deep and instantaneous dermis reaction.

Meet Our Doctors

Dr. Gloria Tumbaga, MD

36 yrs. experience

a medical aesthetics specialist with expertise in advanced anti-aging techniques. 





Dr. John Doe

36 yrs. experience

Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat…





Dr. John Doe

36 yrs. experience

Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat…






Wellness Diagnostics & Medispa offers a plethora of Anti-Aging and Regenerative procedures that will turn back time for your skin. All our procedures are 100% drug-free & 100% non-invasive. Read More...


Mon:   10am   -  5pm
Tue:     10am  -  5pm
Wed:    10am  -  5pm
Thu:     10am  -  5pm
Fri:       10am  -  5pm


Tel: 951-331-5555
E-mail: hello@healt-center.com

